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Church Planting

"So then neither is he that planteth any thing, neither he that watereth; but God that giveth the increase."
I Corinthians 3:7

Over the past 12 years, Parakaleo International has helped to plant and build 20 churches in Haiti and The Dominican Republic.  We equip and train local, national pastors with further education and seminary if necessary, so they can effectively teach and lead.  We also assist groups of believers to obtain property and build facilities to meet in.  We strongly believe that the local congregation should be a part of building the church and evangelizing their own community.   Practically speaking, this often looks like the local congregation coming together to move or break rocks, or carry water for construction.  We believe that this working relationship helps to show our goal of "coming along side" to encourage and help other believers.

Current Church Planting Projects

December, 2023. Pastor Keith Falde shares his heart for missions and the Gospel at a conference for church leaders in the DR. This conference was led by a short-term team from the U.S.


December, 2023. Parakaleo International works with churches in the DR made up of mostly Haitian immigrants. These churches face unique challenges as they reach their communities with the gospel.

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November, 2022. Pastor Lovensky has a thriving children's ministry at this new church plant in Haiti.


December, 2022. Part of church planting is preparing pastors. This short term team to the DR spent a week educating and encouraging pastors and church leaders in the Dominican Republic.


February, 2023. New church plant in Bwa Pen Mawon, Haiti.


April, 2023. Dedication service for new church building in Macoris, DR.


June, 2023. During a recent trip to the DR, short term team members held a service to an Haitian batey with no current church plant. Nine people were saved at this service!


Team member, Josiah Falde shares the Gospel with two men who attended the first service at a new church plant in the DR.

P.O. Box 6001, Pensacola, FL 32503                    © 2024. All Rights Reserved                    Parakaleo International is a 501(C)3

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